Bulgaria Info

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Финансиране на бизнес чрез фондове

Все по-често виждам реклама в пресата за структурни фондове, които предлагат финансова помощ за определен бизнес проект.

Въпреки "популярната" напоследък финансова криза, финансова помощ би могла да се придобие и по други начин, като например чрез фондове за рисков капитал. Това са парични средства отпускани срещу собственост във фирмата, която търси финансова помощ.

Лесно можете да на мерите в интерент повече информация за реклама в пресата, структурни фондове, финансова помощ, бизнес проект, рисков капитал, финансова криза

В какво и как да инвестираме?

В света съществуват безброй възможности за инвестиция на пари. Ние ще ви предложим да помислите върху няколко сфери, които според нас са най-бързо ликвидни. Това са инвестиции в имоти, Инвестиции в диаманти, Инвестиции в строителството, Инвестиции в туризма, Инвестиции в злато.

За голяма част от тези инвестиции бихте могли лесно да намерите фондове за Финансиране на бизнес или казано по друг начин Инвестиционни фондове. Всъщност финансиране от фондове, далеч не е толкова лесно и изисква голяма предварителна подготовка, но със сигурност е по-достъпно от банковите кредити например.

Фондовете често финансират проекти, които са добре обмислени и най-вече с реалистични прогнози. Друго много важно нещо е да имате добър екип, който има опит в сферата в която търсите инвестиция.

Прочетете повече за инвестиции в имоти, Инвестиции в диаманти, Инвестиции в строителството, Инвестиции в туризма, Инвестиции в злато, Финансиране на бизнес, Инвестиционни фондове, финансиране от фондове

Собствен бизнес в Интернет

В Интернет пространството има много бизнес игри, които са подходящи за обучение и трупане на базов опит.

За да печелете обаче истински Интернет пари е необходимо друго. Като начало, трябва да се запознаете с основите на Интернет маркетинг и след това да създадете собствен сайт, който да популяризирате в мрежата.

В Интернет също така бихте могли да намерите много информация за Интернет реклама и също така за реклама в Google.

Научете повече за бизнес игри, Интернет пари, Реклама в Google, Интернет реклама, собствен сайт, Интернет маркетинг

Как да инвестираме правилно?

Лесни пари могат да се спечелят при правене на бизнес с взаимни фондове, търгувайки на фондова борса, стокова борса или при търговия на капиталов пазар.

Всички тези начини изискват добри познания в областта в която търгувате. Ако нямате добри познания в тези области, добре би било да се консултирате и да използвате услугите на Инвестиционни посредници

Услугите на Инвестиционни посредници биха ви осигурили гаранция за успех и сигурност на инвестицията ви.

Прочетете повече за Лесни пари, взаимни фондове, фондова борса, стокова борса, капиталов пазар, Инвестиционни посредници

Бърз кредит за вашия бизнес

При сегашната обстановка и необходимостта да се прави бизнес в криза едно от най-важните неща е да имате възможност да изтеглите бърз кредит.

Някои от сферите на бизнеса, като продажбата на франчайзинг, бизнес с имоти или покупката на франчайзинг, продажба на франчайзинг както дори самата регистриция на фирма се нуждаят от бързи кредит.

Осигуряването на такъв бърз кредит може да бъде осъществено чрез кандидатстване за кредитна линия, която ще ви осигури оборотни средства по всяко време.

Прочетете повече за продажба на франчайзинг, бизнес с имоти, регистрация на фирма, бързи кредит, бизнес в криза, продажба на франчайзинг, франчайзинг.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Бизнес информация

В Интернет бихте могли да намерите голям брой бизнес мрежи, наречени бизнес форум, където ще намерите голям брой дискусии на бизнес теми и бихте могли да почерпите опит от хора минали по вашия път.

В някои от сайтовете можете да попаднете и на голям брой бизнес обяви. Така лесно бихте могли да намерите потенциални бизнес партньори или хора предлагащи добри бизнес възможности.

В всички случаи обаче, преди да започнете собствен бизнес ще ви е необходимо да направите или намерите бизнес анализ за сферата в която сте се насочили.

Ето и нашите предложения за повече информация свързана с бизнес мрежи, бизнес форум, бизнес обяви и бизнес анализ

Търговия с акции, валутен пазар и валутен коментар

Търговията с акции може да се осъществява от отдалечен компютър без да е необходимо да напускате дома си или чрез борсов посредник. Можете да печелете лесно правейки сделки за покупко-продажба на валутен пазар.

За отлични резултати на валутен пазар е задължително да следите актуален валутен коментар, който е достъпен на голям брой сайтове и предлага актуална информация в реално време.

За повече информация можете да разгледате избраните от нас информационни източници за търговията с акции, валутен пазар и валутен коментар.

Бизнес по Интернет

За да правите Бизнес по Интернет или казано по друг начин: да печелите пари от нета не е необходимо да имате специални познания по дизайн или програмиране.

Осъвремените системи за създаване на сайтове позволяват да направите собствена страница или блог в интернет без да сте професионалист. Така вече всеки човек, работещ с компютър би могъл да прави бизнес по Интернет и да печели пари от нета лесно като детска игра.

Някои от най-популярните системи за правене на блогове и сайтове са Wrodpress, Blogger, Drupal, Joomla и др. Работейки с тях лесно можете да започнете собствен бизнес по Интернет и да печелите пари от нета.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bulgarian black sea coast

The Bulgarian Black Sea Coast covers the whole eastern bound of Bulgaria. Black Sea Coast beaches occupy approximately 130 km of the 378 km coast. The region is an important centre for tourism during the summer, drawing foreign and Bulgarian tourists alike and constituting the country's arguably most popular tourist destination.

The area's average air temperature in the summer is about 28°C, with the average water temperature at 25°C. There are more than 240 hours of sunshine in May and September and more than 300 hours in July and August.

The Balkan Mountains cross the country reaching to the edge of the Black Sea, dividing the coastline into a southern and northern part. Parts of Bulgaria's northern Black Sea Coast feature rocky headlands where the sea abuts cliffs up to 70 metres in height. The southern coast is known for its wide sandy beaches.

The largest city on Bulgarian Black Sea Coast is Varna (also the third largest city in Bulgaria), located on the northern part of the coast. Another big city is Bourgas, located on the southern coast. The two cities' international airports, Varna Airport and Burgas Airport, are the main hubs servicing the region. In addition, the A1 and A2 motorways, currently in construction, would make the trip from the capital Sofia to the coast substantially easier and faster, while the Cherno More motorway is planned to connect Varna and Burgas.

Source: wikipedia.com

Bulgaria beach

Bulgaria beach hotels

Black Sea Coast

Bourgas Bulgaria

Varna Bulgaria

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Bulgaria Property Investment Draws Significant Returns

Sitting at the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Bulgaria is increasingly
attractive for investors and tourists alike. With a population of 7.5 million,
eastern Bulgaria faces the Black Sea and is bordered by Greece and Turkey to the
south, Macedonia and Serbia and Montenegro to the west, and Romania to the
north. Known for its exquisite ski resorts in Bansko, Borovets, and Pamporovo,
Bulgaria also offers sunny beaches on the shores of the Black Sea. The climate
and economic conditions of the country make Bulgaria property investment
attractive to Europeans and others from around the globe.

Because Bulgaria isn't yet a member of the European Union - although it is
determined to become a member in 2007 - it doesn't have the steep tax structure
and production costs that make second homes cost prohibitive in EU countries. In
addition, the Bulgarian government recognizes that tourism is an important
component of its growing economy, and so offers a variety of financial
incentives in order to attract investors to property in Bulgaria.

As an opportunity to invest in property, Bulgaria is unsurpassed. Although
property values have risen over the past two years, they are not yet close to
levels in the rest of Europe. Regarding hot property for sale, Bulgaria offers
everything from new housing developments in five star beach and ski resort areas
to new apartments in Bulgarian cities.

Bulgaria development property is truly the fastest growing real estate market in
Europe, particularly in the ski resort areas of Bansko, Borovets, and Pamporovo,
which offer everything from world class skiing and snowboarding to cross country
skiing, giant slalom, and biathlon courses. Borovets even offers helicopter
transportation to its most challenging ski runs.

But Bulgaria offers more than beautiful mountains and an inviting shoreline.
Tourists marvel at the architecture of Bulgarian monasteries and celebrate along
with the locals at the annual Festival of Roses that is held in late spring.
They feast on mouthwatering Bulgarian cheeses and traditional stews and
sausages. And they embrace the rich culture of Bulgaria when visiting museums
and galleries in cities from Sofia to Varna or attending festivals and contests
featuring folkloric music and dancing.

Bulgaria property investment is both financially and culturally rewarding.
Whether using property in Bulgaria as a second home or as a vacation rental,
there's never been a better time to buy property in Bulgaria.


Chris Robertson is an author of Majon International, one
of the worlds MOST popular
internet marketing
companies on the web. Visit this
Real Estate
and Majon's
Estate directory.

Article Source:



Property in Bulgaria

Property in Sofia

Property for sale in Bulgaria

Bansko property

Property in Bourgas

Property in Varna

Bulgaria property Investment

Ski apartments Bulgaria

Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Weather in Bulgaria

Bulgaria has a small area, but the country also has variable and complex climate between Continental and Mediterranean climate. The Bulgarian mountains operate as barriers for air masses, causing contrasts in Bulgarian weather over fairly short distances. The continental air masses circulate freely in the southern area of the country, separated of the Balkan Mountains.

The Mediterranean Bulgarian weather system dominated in the area of the country, marked by the Rhodope Mountains.

The area of strong summers and high humidity includes Thracian Plain. This place is influenced by a combination of the two systems. The Bulgarian weather in this region is more severe than that of other parts of Bulgaria in the same latitude. This is a transitional are and the average temperatures are erratic and may vary widely from year to year.

The Black Sea (the eastern frontier of Bulgaria) moderates the Coastal climate. In the same time, the strong winds and violent local storms are frequent phenomenon during the winter.

The coldest winter is in the area of the Danube River, in contrast the temperatures during the winter close on the Greek and Turkish borders are really soft.


Weather Bulgaria


Bulgaria Info - Plovdiv

Plovdiv (Bulgarian: Пловдив; Thracian: Evmolpia, Pulpudeva; Greek: Φιλιππούπολη, Φιλιππούπολις / Philippoupoli, Philippoupolis; Turkish: Filibe) is the second-largest city in Bulgaria, after Sofia, with a population of 341,873([1]). It is the administrative centre of Plovdiv Province in southern Bulgaria, as well as the largest and most important city of the historical region of Thrace, famous for its ancient and diverse culture and millenary history.

Plovdiv is located on both banks of the Maritsa river in the central part of Upper Thrace. The surrounding countryside is mostly bare, lacking major construction or landmarks, yet the city itself is particularly striking, since it, like Rome, is mushroomed in between its seven hills. Tourists, however, are likely to count only six of those, as one of hills was virtually destroyed at the beginning of the 1900s and there is only a small outcrop of rock left to show where it once stood.

Two key highways make headway into or around Plovdiv — the Sofia-Edirne-Istanbul and the Sofia-Stara Zagora-Burgas routes. A major tourist center, Plovdiv lies at the threshold of the Rhodopes, and most people wishing to go exploring the mountains choose it as their trips' starting point. There are three train stations and three bus terminals. The regular bus and trolley fare is 60 Stotinki (0.60 BGN) per ride, while the cab car-pools fare is 70 stotinki (0.70 BGN). Cab car-pooling is faster, but less comfortable as the cabs stop to load/unload at any location.

Plovdiv is one of the oldest cities in Europe. It is a contemporary of Troy and Mycenae. It is older than Rome, Athens, Carthage or Constantinople. Archaeologists have discovered fine pottery[2] and other objects of everyday life from as early as the Neolithic Age, showing that in the end of the 7th millennium B.C there already was an established settlement there. According to Ammianus Marcellinus, Plovdiv's written post-Bronze Age history lists it as a Thracian fortified settlement named Eumolpias. In 342 BC, it was conquered by Philip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great, who renamed it "Φιλιππόπολις", Philippopolis or "the city of Philip" in his own honour. Later, it again became independent under the Thracians, until its incorporation into the Roman Empire, where it was called Trimontium (City of Three Hills) and served as metropolis (capital) of the province of Thrace. Thrimontium was an important crossroad for the Roman Empire and was called "The largest and most beautiful of all cities" by Lucian. In those times, the Via Militaris (or Via Diagonalis), the most important military road in the Balkans, passed through the city.[1] The Roman times were a glorious period of growth and cultural excellence. The ancient ruins tell a story of a vibrant, growing city with numerous public buildings, shrines, baths, and theatres. Many of those are still preserved and can be seen by the curious tourist, wishing to experience the charm of ancient Rome up close.

The Slavs had fully settled in the area by the middle of the 6th century, but the region only became a province in Bulgaria on or about 815. It remained in Bulgarian hands until conquered by the Byzantine Empire in 970 or 971. Byzantine rule was succeeded by that of the Latin Empire in 1204, and there were two short inter-regnum periods as the city was twice occupied by Kaloyan of Bulgaria before his death in 1207. Under Latin rule, Plovdiv was the capital of the Duchy of Philippopolis governed by Renier de Trit, and later on by Gerard de Strem. Bulgarian rule was reestablished during the reign of Ivan Asen II between 1225 and 1229. In 1263 Plovdiv was conquered by the restored Byzantine Empire and remained in Byzantine hands until it was re-conquered by George Terter II of Bulgaria in 1322. Byzantine rule was restored once again in 1323, but in 1344 the city was surrendered to Bulgaria by the regency for John V Palaiologos as the price for Ivan Alexander of Bulgaria's support in the Byzantine civil war. When Bulgaria was defeated by the Ottoman Empire in 1369, Plovdiv survived as one of the major cultural centers for Bulgarian culture and tradition. The name Plovdiv first appeared around that time and is derived from the city's Thracian name Pulpudeva (assumed to be a translation of Philippopolis, from Pulpu = Philippou and deva = city), which was rendered by the Slavs first as Pəldin (Пълдин) or Pləvdin.

Under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, Plovdiv (then known as Filibe) was a focal point for the Bulgarian national movement in the Eastern Rumelia province of the Empire. The city was liberated from the Ottomans during the Battle of Plovdiv in 1878 and, after the Congress of Berlin separated the autonomous region of Eastern Rumelia from Bulgaria, Plovdiv became its capital. At the time, it had a population of about 33,500, of which 45% were Bulgarians, 25% Greeks, 21% Turks, 6% Jews and 3% Armenians, a situation that changed rapidly in the following decades. A few years later, in 1885, Eastern Rumelia was absorbed into modern Bulgaria as part of the Bulgarian unification project.

During the period of communist governance that followed the end of World War II, Plovdiv became the birthplace of Bulgaria's movement for democratic reform, which by 1989 had garnered enough support to enter government.

Plovdiv hosted specialized exhibitions of the World's Fair three times (1981, 1985, and 1991).

Museums and protected sites
Plovdiv is a tourist's treasure trove. It has more than 200 known archeological sites, 30 of which are of national importance. Some of the world-famous sites include the Ancient Theater (early 2nd century AD), the Roman Stadium (late 2nd century AD), the magnificent colored mosaics of the villas, the ones of the episcopal temple, the Nebet Tepe archaeological complex and the noted samples of Bulgarian National Revival architecture, such as the Balabanov House, the Kuyumdzhiev House, the Lamartine House, and the houses of Georgiadi, Nedkovich, and Hindian.

Also of note is that there are more than 30,000 cultural artifacts, kept in the five Plovdiv museums: the Archaeological Museum, the Ethnographic Museum, the Historical Museum, the Natural Museum and the City Art Gallery. The Panagyurishte Golden Treasure from the end of the 6th century BCE consists of six uniquely decorated golden utensils, together weighing more than 6,000 kg.

The Old Town of Plovdiv is a historic preservation site known for its unique Bulgarian Renaissance architectural style. The Old Town covers the area of the three central hills (Трихълмие, Trihalmie) —Nebet Tepe, Dzhambaz Tepe and Taxim Tepe. Almost every house in the Old Town is characteristically impressive in its exterior and interior decoration.

The Bulgarian Museum of Aviation is located on the western edge of Plovdiv International Airport.

[edit] Churches, mosques and temples
There are a number of 19th century churches, most of which follow the distinctive Eastern Orthodox construction style. Those are the Saint Constantine and Saint Helena, the Saint Marina, the Saint Nedelya, the Saint Petka and the Holy Mother of God Churches. There are also the Roman Catholic Cathedrals in Plovdiv, the largest of them being St Ludovic. There are several more modern Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and other Protestant churches, as well as older style Apostolic churches. Two mosques remain in Plovdiv from the time of the Ottoman rule. There is also one Jewish temple.

[edit] Events
The spirit of Plovdiv bears the creative power of its artists, writers and musicians. Notable events include the Chambre Music International Festival, which takes place in the old town since the 1970s; the Golden Chest International TV Film Festival, organized jointly with the Bulgarian National Television since the 1980s; the Golden Rhyton International Festival of Documentary Films, which is a joint initiative with the National Film Centre, which dates back to 1980s; the Verdi Festival, the venue of which is one of the most attractive places in the city — the Ancient Theatre; Easter and Christmas music festivals; the International Folklore Festival that is one of the most exotic events at the end of the summer. Of particular interests are some recent initiatives — the Stage on a Crossroad International Theatre Festival, the Week of Modern Art that takes place in the Ancient Public Bath, the Impresiya Art Fair.

In 1999 Plovdiv was the host of the European Cultural Month. On the traditional stages in the city and on alternative culture spaces, the program carried out the biggest culture forum in Bulgaria at the turn of the century. Raina Kabaivanska, Ghena Dimitrova, Lyudmil Anguelov, the Bamberg Symphonic Orchestra, Michael Nyman, Hanna Schygulla, Goran Bregović and his Weddings and Funerals Orchestra, Metallica, Apocalyptica, Grand Funk, Ritchie Blackmore and many others took part in it.

The existing infrastructure of the city adds to the development of cultural activities. The Plovdiv Drama Theatre is an inheritor of the first professional theatre group in Bulgaria founded in 1881. The Plovdiv Puppet Theatre, founded in 1948, remains one of the leading institutions in this genre. Established in 1953, Plovdiv Opera achieves serious professional acknowledgements not only in Bulgaria, but also in Germany, Denmark, Spain and Italy.

[edit] Music
Another post of the culture of Plovdiv is the Philarmonic, founded in 1945. Works of the classic and of the modern symphony are included in its repertory. Soloists such as Dmitri Shostakovich, Sviatoslav Richter, Mstislav Rostropovich, Yuri Boukov and Mincho Minchev worked with the Plovdiv Philharmonic. The orchestra toured in almost all of the European countries. Known for its originality and professionalism is the Trakiya Folklore Ensemble. Founded in 1974, it has performed thousands of concerts in Bulgaria and more than 40 countries of the world. The Trakiya Traditional Choir was nominated for a Grammy Award.

[edit] Literature
The city's traditions as a literary centre are preserved by the first public library in Bulgaria, the Ivan Vazov National Library, by the 19 chitalishta (cultural centres) and by numerous booksellers and publishers. Today the Ivan Vazov National Library is the second largest national library institution, owning rare Bulgarian and European publications. The modern publishing houses add their significant contribution to the book market in the country and represent Bulgarian literature abroad.

Source: wikipedia.com

Bulgaria Info - Sofia

One of the oldest capital cities in Europe, the history of Sofia dates back to the 8th century BC, when Thracians established a settlement there. Sofia has had several names in the different periods of its existence, and remnants of the city's millenary history can still be seen today alongside modern landmarks.

Sofia's development as a significant settlement owes much to its central position in the Balkans. It is situated in western Bulgaria, at the northern foot of the Vitosha mountain, in the Sofia Valley that is surrounded by mountains on all sides. Three mountain passes lead to the city, which have been key roads since antiquity, connecting the Adriatic Sea and Central Europe with the Black and Aegean Seas.

A number of low rivers cross the city, including the Vladayska and the Perlovska. The Iskar River in its upper course flows near eastern Sofia. The city is known for its numerous mineral and thermal springs. Artificial and dam lakes were built in the last century.

It is located 150 km (90 miles) northwest of Plovdiv, Bulgaria's second largest city, 390 km west of Burgas, 472 km (294 miles) west of Varna, Bulgaria's major port-cities on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast.


The Neo-Renaissance National Assembly of Bulgaria edifice in central Sofia
Sofia has been a centre of Christianity since the times of the Roman Empire
A view of Sofia with the snow-capped peaks of Vitosha rising in the background
The Monument to the Tsar Liberator was inaugurated in 1907
The LargoSofia was originally a Thracian settlement called Serdica, named after the Thracian tribe Serdi. Around 500 BC another tribe settled in the region, the Odrysi, known as an ethnos with their own kingdom. For a short period during the 4th century BC, the city was possessed by Philip of Macedon and his son Alexander the Great.

Around AD 29, Sofia was conquered by the Romans and renamed Ulpia Serdica. It became a municipium, or centre of an administrative region, during the reign of Emperor Trajan (98-117). The first written mention of Serdica was made by Ptolemy (around 100 AD). The city expanded, as turrets, protective walls, public baths, administrative and cult buildings, a civic basilica and a large amphitheatre called Bouleutherion, were built. When Emperor Diocletian divided the province of Dacia into Dacia Ripensis (on the banks of the Danube) and Dacia Mediterranea, Serdica became the capital of Dacia Mediterranea. The city subsequently expanded for a century and a half, which caused Constantine the Great to call it "my Rome".

Serdica was of moderate size, but magnificent as an urban concept of planning and architecture, with abundant amusements and an active social life. It flourished during the reign of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, when it was surrounded with great fortress walls whose remnants can still be seen today.

The city was destroyed by the Huns in 447 but was rebuilt by Justinian and renamed Triaditsa.

[edit] Middle Ages
Sofia first became part of the First Bulgarian Empire during the reign of Khan Krum in 809. Afterwards, it was known by the Slavic name Sredets and grew into an important fortress and administrative centre.

After a number of unsuccessful sieges, the city fell to the Byzantine Empire in 1018, but once again was incorporated into the restored Bulgarian Empire at the time of Tsar Ivan Asen I.

From the 12th to the 14th century, Sofia was a thriving centre of trade and crafts. It was renamed Sofia (meaning "wisdom" in Greek) in 1376 after the Church of St. Sofia. However, it was called both "Sofia" and "Sredets" until the 16th century, when the new name gradually replaced the old one.

[edit] Ottoman rule
Sofia was conquered by the Ottoman Empire during the reign of Murad I in 1382, becoming the capital of the Ottoman province (beylerbeylik) of Rumelia for more than 4 centuries.

In 1610 the Vatican established the See of Sofia for Catholics of Rumelia, which existed until 1715 when most Catholics had emigrated. [1]

[edit] Liberated Bulgaria
Sofia was liberated by Russian forces in 1878, during the Russo-Turkish War, 1877-78, and became the capital of the autonomous Principality of Bulgaria in 1879, which became Kingdom of Bulgaria in 1908.

During World War II, Sofia was bombed by Allied aircraft in late 1943 and early 1944, as well as later occupied by the Soviet Union. Bulgaria's regime, which allied the country with Nazi Germany, was overthrown and Sofia became capital of the Communist-ruled People's Republic of Bulgaria (1944–1989).

Source: wikipedia.com


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